Banana Bread

Over the past few years I have been stuck on simplifying my life and making my home less dependent on the production of others.  The long term goal is to make the move to the country and homestead.  My husband is semi on-board with this.  He is a bit concerned with the cost and the work load.  Is it really realistic to live a life where production is dependent on the family unit?  Is a homesteading life one that will still allow for the joy and quiet family time we are used to having or would it be all work and no play?

The homesteading goal is out there.  Right now we are in the city but I want to see if my family can make a small dent in our food budget by some DIY.  First things first,  waste not want not.  We had some bananas going bad.  Lets see what we can cook up.

  • Seven overripe bananas.
  • 2/3 cup melted butter
  • 1 1/2 cups sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tablespoon baking soda
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 3 cups flower

Smash up the bananas and add butter to them in a large mixing bowl.  Add sugar, eggs and vanilla.  I mix these all by hand.  Next I put the flour in the bowl.  I don’t stir until I put the baking soda in the flour.  I mix the baking soda into the flour and then mix the entire concoction together.

Place in three greased bread pans (three) and bake in a pre-heated 350 degree oven.  Bake for 45 to 60 minutes.  Cool on cooling rack or a dry towel.

Three yummy loafs ready to go!20130302_225537

This is a quick prep recipe and I am pretty excited.  I loved making it and it turned out amazing!

Five Pound Challange

Current Weight 255.6

Today was a good day when I got on the scale.  I guess hard work, eating right and exercise really do pay off.  DOH!!!  I have been overweight my whole life and have been waiting for the magic pill to show up with no luck.

Today is Tuesday and I usually weight-in on Wednesday so I have 8 days before I have to face the scale again.  My goal is to turn slide that counter weight to the left a notch.  I want to break into the next weight bracket by bringing it under 250. 

Now keep in mind, I love myself and this is a long term goal.  I am not going to starve myself or do something unhealthy for my body.  I am; however, planning on putting in some extra time at the gym.  I will also cut the calories down a tad more and maybe dust off that palaties video I have. 

Anyone have any other ideas on downsizing?

Getting Back to it after a break from grace

Todays Weight 258.6 up 0.7lbs

Warning: Rumchata is tasty and delicious and addicting and almost 100 calories per ounce.

Today was a sad day as I stepped on the scale. I have been doing so good lately with watching what I eat and finding healthy alternatives to the foods I love that don’t love me.

Weigh in Wednesday is always a hard day for me because I have to step on that scale and it is going to hold me accountable for all my sins. We all have been told that the scale is just a number and that there are other things to consider. While this is all true, the scale is a quick and easy indicator of success or failure.

This week I was both a success and a failure. Did I turn down temptation? Yes. Did I get my 10k steps in every day? Yes. Did I commit myself to working out even when I didn’t feel good? Yes. Did I explore creative, healthier ways to satisfy my cravings? Yes. But….. Did I over eat? Yes. Did I eat things that I knew were terrible for me? Yes. Did the scale call me out? Absolutely.

Honestly though, today is another day. I had a fun and active week and I am not going to beat myself up over it. I had a dinner with friends, there was meat, there was drinking and there was a ton of fun. The key is, these activities have to be the exception not the rule. Common sense tells me I can’t be good all the time. I love food. I love the variety, the taste, the texture and the social aspects of eating and drinking. As long as a Saturday night with good food, good drinks and good friends is the exception and not the rule, these things happen.

Today, my friends, is a new day. I have new foods to try and to enjoy and I plan on doing both. But I plan on continuing to hold myself accountable, check every calorie that goes into my mouth and hit the gym to keep my body growing in strength while it shrinks in size.

Wish me luck and also good luck to all of you who are struggling. Lets get healthy together.

Saving Mother Earth as Mother Nature gives us hell.

There is nothing out there like Iowa winter. If you don’t like it today, don’t worry it will be different tomorrow. A couple days ago sweatshirts and jeans were all that was required to brave the great outdoors. Now, the wind is whipping around and last night the sky was a evil looking black swirld with silver.

Over the next few days, the weather man says the white stuff is going to fall. We are looking at 10 to 15 inches. For those of you who haven’t lived in the great white northland, this means nothing moves that doesn’t have to move. Iowan’s are a tough breed and we are made to role with the punches. As the snow crosses the country heading our way, it is time to prepare and hunker down.

For some people, this means a trip to the grocery store and filling up your vehicle with gas. For me, I know the freezer is full. I can make something out whatever dwells in there. For me, it means a trip to the my stash of recycleable sweaters to see if I will have enough to keep my fingers happy in the event of the storm of the century.

More to come about the process of breaking down a sweater for it’s yummy yarn potential.

A Quest for a longer life

I am a 36-year-old mother, wife and nurse. Over the years of taking care of others, I have forgotten to take care of myself. It is time to put me first for a while and get back to a place where I am happy and healthy.

I have been working on this since the third week in January. The journey isn’t without compromise or tears. I am getting there though.

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Rekindling the Fire

Rekindling the Fire

Okay, I dug the good dr out of hybernation. Man it is a wonderful thing .

Some things I learned.

It is as beautiful as I remembered.

Some idiot forgot to weave in ends as she went.

Also, toward the end of my Dr Who reign of terror, I added grey instead of yellow. I have some serious tinking to do.

Knitting inspiration

I was recently inspired by the YarnHarlot (She goes on (and on) here) to pick up a long-lost love of mine. I was working on a Dr. Who inspired scarf last year with a fierce determination. My fingers flew across the yarn with a pace that made sheep quiver.  The colors mixed together in a whirl of retro.  I was unstoppable.

The Wittylittleknitter web site does all the work for you. I bought the yarn ages ago and was aghast at the length of time my online supplier took to get it to me. I fumed and flamed and ranted and raved over the impatience to get knitting. When I started I made good progress. I loved the steady knit, knit, knit of the scarf and the challenge to get to the next color. I would set short personal goals for myself, “If I could just finish beige I will be done for the night.” Man, time flies when you are having fun.

Then what happened? What always happens? My knitting “get up and go” got up and went.

I was seduced. Over and over I was tempted by the forbidden fruit of a new project. I was led astray in a bad way!  Seriously, years worth of a bad way.

But today, fellow knitters, I vow to pick up that long-buried temptation and get back to it.  There will be a dancing traveling doctor’s scarf on these weary knitting shoulders by the time 12 foot scarf weather ends!

Two days to warmer ears.

I have had a busy weekend with traveling to visit some friends and family but during the drive I had a oppertunity to do THIS PUMPKIN HAT.  So it was a really quick knit but had to be modified to fit a larger melon then the cute little pumpkin the designer made it for.  Of course, due to my complete idiocy, I increased the width but only worked the length as the pattern called for.  Ohhh MY!   To mend my error I picked up stitches on the cast on and worked two inches in a 2×2 rib stitch and another three rows of stockenette.  This allowed the hat to have the length needed, a fitted rib, and still had the cute stockenette roll at the bottom.  Check out my favorite baby model running around with toasty warm ears.

A beautiful day for a photo session and hanging out in the grass!

The love of a Thick SCARF

A couple of years ago I made a Clapotis .  It is beautiful and really warm but it really showed it’s worth this weekend.  My family went to the local fair to enjoy a concert and the weather turned on us really quickly.  The wind picked up and the temp went down.  I was able to wrap the Clapotis around my neck twice and pulled it up over my ears.

So keep you log skinny scarfs.  I’ll keep my super versatile thick scarf.